If there could be one place you could be seen and free to become who Jesus intended for you to be, we’d hope that could be your Journey Group. While coming to the Worship Gathering on Sunday morning is a common place people come to experience God, there’s nothing like living life together with people who know you and walk with you on the journey. Essentially, that’s where the life of Garland Church happens- together as the larger body on Sunday mornings, but then weekly in our smaller communities. When you’re ready to seek out that kind of community, peruse the groups below. Perhaps there is a day, location or outreach effort that catches your attention. Reach out to the leaders with your questions or just request to join.
JOURNEY with Him
We JOURNEY with Christ by growing in faith while surrounded by His community. (Colossians 2:6-7; Hebrews 10:24-25)
This occurs in part at our Worship Gathering, but mainly in our Journey Groups. We grow more like Christ when we are in small biblical communities that are focused on our Identity in Christ, Scripture, Prayer, Serving and Sharing the good news about Jesus with others.
SHARE His love with the world
Journey Groups are often intergenerational, reflecting people from across our entire church. They are comprised of mature Christians, new Christians and even some non-Christians. They are communities where people can “belong before they believe.” They are always open to new members.
On a monthly rotation, Journey Groups will likely look something like this...
Week 1: Receive and study scripture.
Week 2: Eat together, pray and do something worshipful.
Week 3: Equipping or ministry planning.
Week 4: Go together to serve and witness.
For months when there is a fifth week, we emphasize our identity in Christ.
Check the description of each group. Some are currently offering options for children while others will seek out a solution if requested.
Though Journey Groups primarily serve groups outside of Garland Church on their own, occasionally there are ways for others within the church to help with an effort. Learn More about upcoming events and how you can help out.