How can you assist with a Journey Group Event?
While most of an outreach happens at the Journey Group level, sometimes there are ways that the larger church body can assist. An event may be open to others beyond the group. There may be items that can be purchased or donated towards the effort. Below find a listing of the ways you can help.
Garland Food Pantry
The Wednesday Evening Community Journey Group stocks the Little Food Pantry on the East lawn of the church (by the Post Office). With the high level of food insecurity in our neighborhood, our pantry is one of the busiest in the city.
Our Food Pantry is always in need of donations of non-perishable food items.
Refugee Housing
The Sunday Morning Journey Group oversees the care and upkeep of the Garland House owned by Garland Church and operated in partnership with World Relief. Newly arrived refugees are welcome to stay for up to 60 days before moving to their permanent home.
Occasionally items are needed to restock consumables and utensils.
Story Hour/Play Time
The Deer Park Journey Group sponsors a Story Time Reading/Play Hour at Garland Church for young mothers and children. We meet the first and third Monday of each month from 10:30-11:30am. This gives an alternative and safe place to the story times provided at the local public libraries. Bring your kids!
Afterschool Drop-In-Center
Good Neighbor Team
The Thursday Night Journey Group partners with World Relief as a Good Neighbor Team. For one year, the team helps one new refugee family adjust and navigate life in their new city.
Click below for a list of needed items.
Quilts of Valor
The Tuesday Women Focus Journey Group comes together with other women from the community to produce quilts for veterans through the Quilts of Valor Foundation. The group has found that presenting a handmade quilt to a veteran is a healing experience.
All are welcome to attend our quarterly sew days. Message us to find out more info.
The Young Adults Journey Group partners with Shadle Presbyterian Church in providing a location for students in Grades 6-12 to study and/or hang out in a safe and fun environment on Tuesdays at 3pm. Shadle Pres hosts their weekly all-church dinner at 5:30pm. Volunteers are welcomed to attend.
To volunteer, ask questions or refer a student who may wish to attend, email Alyssa below.